What is Python?
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Python has received huge attention due to its excellent features. It is excellent for beginners to start with Python because it is interpreted and gives results instantly. Users can use it for scientific and non-scientific programming. Python is a high-level language which is very easy to understand and use.
Guido Van Rossum
What is the brief history of Python?
- Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the Netherlands.
- Python was released in 1991.
- Python was developed at CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) which is the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.
- Guido Van Rossum and his team were using "ABC" language but it was not good at "exception handling" then he decided to develop a new language which is later named as Python.
- Python is copyrighted like many other languages but now its source code is easily available under GPL (General Purpose License).
- Latest Python version is Python 3
Why is it called Python?
When we look at its name first thing come in the mind is Python snake but Python language is not related to snake and its name is not taken from the Python snake. When Guido Van Rossum was developing this new language he was the fan of the very famous comedy television show "Monty Python's Flying Circus" at that time. So he named it Python.
What are the reasons that make Python a popular language?
There are several reasons for Python's popularity. These includes:
- Python is Type and Run Language no compile and link steps.
- Python programs are simpler,smaller and flexible
- Python is free to use and distribute and is supported by community.
- Python software quality is better than traditional and scripting languages
- Better Developer productivity
- Less to type, debug and maintain
- Python runs on every major platform currently in use.
- Strong Library support from Text pattern to Networking
- Huge collection of third party libraries
- Automatic allocation and Garbage Collection
What can be done using Python?
Python is used for multiple purpose. These includes :
- System Programming
- GUI Applications/Web Applications
- Database Programming
- Numeric and Scientific programming
- Game Programming
- Robotics Programming
- Data Mining
- Expert System Programming
- Internet Scripting
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
Which companies are using Python ?
Python is everywhere. Following are some large organizations that are using python.
- Google : It uses Python in its web search system.
- Youtube: Video Sharing System
- NASA : Scientific Programming
- JP Morgan: Financial market forecasting
- Intel,HP,IBM: Hardware testing
- Battlefield,StarTrek: Python used for implementing core gaming elements
- Pixar, Walt Disney: Movie Animation